
Welcome to my homepage!

I am a professional astronomer (PhD in 2017, University of Szeged, thesis).

  • Workplace (main): Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty for Physics and Astronomy (Astronomical Institue & Theoretical Physics IV: Plasma-Astroparticle Physics), Universitatsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany
  • Position: CIM Fellow, PostDoc
  • Workplace: Konkoly Observatory, Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17, Budapest, Hungary H-1121
  • Position: Voluntary research fellow
  • E-mail: kun.emma (at)
  • Memberships: IceCube Collaboration, European Astronomical Society, Junior member of IAU

  • Keywords (alphabetical): active galactic nuclei, black holes, cosmic-rays, cosmology, Fermi, gamma-rays, high-energy neutrinos, IceCube, multimessenger astronomy, radio astronomy, VLA, VLBA, VLBI

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