Curriculum Vitae

Personal information:
Date of Birth: October 3, 1981
Place of Birth: Pécs, Hungary
Nationality: Hungarian
Married, two children: Balázs and Máté (2009)
2012: PhD in Physics, title of dissertation: Asteroseismic investigations of pulsating white dwarf stars, supervisor: Dr. Margit Paparó
2006-2009: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Doctoral School of Physics
2005: Astronomer and Certified Teacher of Physics (MSc), title of thesis: Investigation of white dwarfs in international campaigns, supervisor: Dr. Margit Paparó
2000-2005: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Budapest
1996-2000: Nagy Lajos High School of the Cistercian Order, Pécs
2022-: Konkoly Observatory, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
senior research fellow
2014-2022: Konkoly Observatory
research fellow
2013-2014: Royal Observatory of Belgium
voluntary collaborator
2012-2014: Konkoly Observatory
voluntary collaborator
2005-2012: Konkoly Observatory
research assistant
young researcher fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2007-2011
(maternity leave: November 1, 2009 - October 31, 2010)
2005, August - 2006, February: Ady Endre Secondary School, Budapest XIII.
physics teacher
English; German (beginner)
2022-: European Astronomical Society (EAS)
2016-: TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium (TASC)
2015-: International Astronomical Union (IAU)
2014-: Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2014-: Hungarian Astronautical Society
2011-: Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC)
2005-2014: CoRoT – Hungarian Asteroseismology Group;
participation in ESA European Cooperating States projects: ESA PECS projects No. 98022 ('Pre-selection process of targets on CoRoT'), 98114 ('CoRoT Mission') and 4000103541/11/NL/KLM ('Multi-colour follow-up of CoRoT targets')
Contests and awards:
2020: Young Researcher Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2003: XXVI. National Scientific Conference for Students, philosophy section, special award
1999: participation in the International Space Camp, Huntsville, Alabama, USA
2021-2026: NKFIH KKP-137523, „Asteroseismic laboratories” Élvonal grant, participant
2020-2023: János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2017-2020: NKFIH PD-123910, Evolved compact stars in the era of photometric space missions, PI
2016-2020: NKFIH K-119517, Galactic Archaeology in the Age of Big Data Sky Surveys, participant (2016-2017)
2015-2019: NKFIH K-115709, Investigation of dynamical phenomena with space telescopes in pulsating variable stars, participant
2014: Young Researchers' International Conference Travel Grant 2015/I., Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2013: Hungarian State Eötvös Fellowship (3 months, Belgium)
2007-2011: Young researcher fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Study trips:
2018, 29 Jan-02 Feb: Seismology of fast rotating stars (SoFAR) working group workshop, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland
2014, 22-26 September: International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Summer School 2014 - „Frontiers of Stellar Structure and Evolution”, Heidelberg, Germany
2012-2014: Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels
2009, 8-19 June: The University of Texas at Austin (Department of Astronomy), USA
2009, 22-30 May: Whole Earth Telescope (WET) campaign centre, Mount Cuba Astronomical Observatory, Greenville, Delaware, USA
2008, 19-21 May: „Scientific Writing for Young Astronomers”, Blankenberge, Belgium
2007, 4-18 September: „6th NEON Observing School”, Osservatorio di Asiago, Italy
2022, 15-19 August: „EUROWD22: 22nd European Workshop on White Dwarfs”, Tübingen, Germany (online)
2022, 11-15 July: „Asteroseismology in the Era of Surveys from Space and the Ground: Stars, Planets, and the Milky Way - TASC6/KASC13 Workshop”, Leuven, Belgium
2019, 19-23 August: „Stars and their variability observed from space”, Vienna, Austria
2018, 20-31 August: „XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union”, Vienna, Austria
2015, 18-22 October: „RR Lyrae 2015 Conference: High-precision studies of RR Lyrae stars: from dynamical phenomena to mapping the galactic structure”, Visegrád, Hungary
2015, 15-19 June: „The KASC8/TASC1 Workshop, Space Asteroseismology: The next generation”, Aarhus, Denmark
2014, 3-5 December: „PLATO 2.0 Science Conference”, Taormina, Italy
2014, 17-19 September: „Fiatal Csillagász és Asztrofizikus Kutatók Találkozója (FIKUT2014)”, Budapest, Hungary
2013, 2-4 December: „International Francqui Symposium: What asteroseismology has to offer to astrophysics”, Brussels, Belgium (+ „Tutorial for junior post-docs”, 5 December)
2013, 16-19 September: „Setting a new standard in the analysis of binary stars”, University of Leuven, Belgium
2012, 18-22 June: „Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium 5th Workshop”, Balatonalmádi, Hungary
2012, 20-25 May: „The Modern Era of Helio- and Asteroseismology, ESF Research Conferences”, Obergurgl, Austria
2011, 5-9 September: „20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series: Impact of new instrumentation and new insights in stellar pulsations”, Granada, Spain
2010, 16-20 August: „17th European White Dwarf Workshop”, Tübingen, Germany
2009, 31 May - 5 June: „Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation”, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
2009, 2-5 February: „First CoRoT International Symposium”, Paris, France
2007, 15-17 January: „From Our Star to Far Stars: Variation and Variability, British-Hungarian-French N+N+N Workshop for Young Researchers”, Budapest, Hungary
2006, 20-22 September: „Vienna Workshop on the Future of Asteroseismology”, Vienna, Austria
2006, 5-9 June: „10th Corot Week”, Nice, France
Scientific talks:
2021, 22 April: „Pulsating white dwarf stars in the eyes of space- and ground-based telescopes” – seminar at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
2019, 12 November: „Több, mint egy évszázada az asztrofizika szolgálatában: a Hertzsprung–Russell-diagram” – Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe előadóülés, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
2017, 23 November: „Latest news on white dwarf pulsators in the light of space- and ground-based observations” – seminar at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
2014, 17 September: „A hibridek korszaka: gamma Doradus-delta Scuti hibrid-jelölt változócsillagok vizsgálata” – Fiatal Csillagász és Asztrofizikus Kutatók Találkozója (FIKUT2014), Budapest, Hungary
2009, 24 September: „Egy A típusú fehér törpe csillag pulzációjának vizsgálata” – seminar at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
2009, 5 June: „Light curve patterns and seismology of a white dwarf with complex pulsation” – Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
2007, 12 March: „HD 44283: Delta Scuti star with regular frequency distribution?” – Hungarian CoRoT Day, Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
2007, 17 January: „More frequencies of KUV 02464+3239” – From Our Star to Far Stars: Variation and Variability, British-Hungarian-French N+N+N Workshop for Young Researchers, Budapest, Hungary
2006, 1 December: „Magyar részvétel a CoRoT űrtávcső programjában” – a MŰI és a MANT VI. Ifjúsági Fóruma, Budapest, Hungary
Other activities:
2011 September - 2012 July: Co-editorship at the „Information Bulletin on Variable Stars”