Keywords (alphabetical): active galactic nuclei, black holes, cosmic-rays, cosmology, Fermi, gamma-rays, high-energy neutrinos, IceCube, multimessenger astronomy, radio astronomy, VLA, VLBA, VLBI
Education2017 PhD in Physics (Astrophysics), with summa cum laude qualification. Supervisors: Prof.
László Á. Gergely and Dr. Krisztina Éva Gabányi, University of Szeged, Doctoral School of
2012 Diploma, astronomy, with excellent qualification. Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Jurcsik (cons.
Prof. Károly Szatmáry), University of Szeged.
Positions2022- CIM Fellow, Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty for Physics and Astronomy (Astronomical Institue & Theoretical Physics IV: Plasma-Astroparticle Physics).
2022- Voluntary Research Fellow, Konkoly Observatory, Research Center for Astronomy
and Earth Sciences.
2019-2022 Research fellow, Premium postdoc, Konkoly Observatory, Research Center for Astronomy
and Earth Sciences.
2017-2019 Assistant research fellow, Institute of Physics, University of Szeged.
2015-2017 Predoctoral student, Institute of Physics, University of Szeged.
Papers in refereed journals: 48, of which first author in: 16
Total citations: 494 NASA/ADS Library
Cumulative impact factor: 245.417
H-index: 13
(last updated: 11 Nov, 2022)
Collaborations, memberships
2021- European Astronomical Society
2020- IceCube Collaboration
2019- Public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2018- Junior member of the International Astronomical Union
2021 Bruno Rossi Prize, as part of the IceCube Collaboration
2018 Junior Prima Award in category Hungarian Science
2011 Special prize of the Hungarian Astronomical Foundation, XXX. National Scientific Students’
Associations Conference.
Experiences in astronomical data analysis
Radio astronomy Analysis of VLBA and VLA interferometry data.
Gamma-ray astronomy Aperture photometry and likelihood analysis of Fermi Gamma-ray Space
Telescope data on single CPU and on supercomputing facilities.
Optical astronomy Aperture and PSF photometry, image subtraction methods.
Teaching activity
2016-2019 Physics laboratory practice 3 (BSc level)
2016-2019 Electromagnetism practice (BSc level)
2016 Relativistic astrophysics lecture (MSc level)
2014-2019 Physics-biophysics laboratory practice for pharmacist students (BSc level)
2012-15 Physics practice for engineers (BSc level)

Papers in refereed journals: 48, of which first author in: 16
Total citations: 494 NASA/ADS Library
Cumulative impact factor: 245.417
H-index: 13
(last updated: 11 Nov, 2022)
Collaborations, memberships
Experiences in astronomical data analysis
Teaching activity